A Conscious Effort

Conserving the past and
protecting the future.

Sustainable and Balanced Tourism

At Conscious Collection, we believe in hospitality with a conscience. We understand that we are an inseparable part of our environment.

Driven by our unwavering commitment, we proudly advocate for conscious travelling. Our goal is to provide our guests with a guilt-free stay while leaving a positive impact on our environment.

Hence, we’ve made sustainable and balanced tourism key components of our operations. We strive to ensure each project leaves a positive impact on the ecosystem, empowers local communities, benefits all stakeholders, and remains sustainable in the long run.

Addressing Ecological Impact

We aim to reduce our environmental impact by managing resources sustainably, using green technologies, and promoting responsible travel practices. To preserve the natural landscape, habitats and biodiversity at every destination:
  • We embrace an eco-friendly approach in every facet of our accommodations, pursuing no-waste strategies and sustainable designs of natural ventilation and natural lighting in our heritage buildings.
  • We strive to preserve the natural landscape, wildlife and habitats of each destination, practising environmentally conscious development and construction for our eco-tourism locations.

Collaborating with Local Communities

We forge genuine partnerships with local communities, empowering residents through sustainable livelihoods, cultural respect, and active involvement in tourism initiatives. To show our love and commitment to authentic and meaningful tourism:
  • We prioritise the hiring and training of local talent, contributing to the growth of the local economy.
  • We believe in sustaining the craft of local artisans, extending recognition and support to them through our curated local programmes.
  • We meticulously select locations which align with our ethos of developing sustainable and iconic heritage hotels and ecotourism destinations.
  • We conserve each heritage location with traditional and sustainable techniques, fully embodying its cultural and historical value.

Advocating for Balanced Tourism

We champion fairness and inclusivity in tourism, advocating for practices that distribute benefits among all stakeholders.

To create a mutually beneficial relationship between us, our investors, and the local communities:

  • We ensure our goals align with the broader goals of the local community, through close collaboration with the local authorities.
  • We firmly support local businesses, involving producers such as local fishermen and craftsmen in our operations.
  • We actively oppose the exploitation of the local community and environment, spurring collaborations with local environmental institutions and projects supporting indigenous communities.

Ensuring Long-Term Tourism Viability

We strive to address challenges such as seasonality effects and carrying capacity management. Hence, we have proactively implemented strategies to encourage an even year-round distribution of visitors and prevent overcrowding at our locations. To leave a lasting and sustainable legacy on Malaysia’s hospitality scene:
  • We blend our hotels into the fabric of local society through the creation of in-house lounges and cafes, where locals can gather for social and business purposes.
  • We create rich, cultural experiences such as musical performances and curated tours to attract slow travellers: individuals who are interested in delving into the local culture, food, and history.
  • We set up exclusive events throughout the year, such as “A Day Within Indigo Walls”, inviting locals and tourists to enjoy cultural exhibitions, performances, and workshops inspired by The Blue Mansion.
  • We place a cap on the number of guests for each tour and event at The Blue Mansion and Ambong-Ambong, preserving the quality of each individual’s experience.
  • We house a select number of rooms at our boutique hotels and ecotourism locations, protecting the tranquillity of each destination and allowing guests to fully immerse themselves in an authentic experience.

What We Have Been Up To